La petite-fille de Gandhi est à La Réunion pour la commémoration de la naissance de la plus grande figure indienne et l’une des personnes les plus connues dans le monde. Elle loue La Réunion et son vivre-ensemble.
Tara Gandhi est la petite-fille de Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Le guide sprituel devenu dirigeant politique avait mené le combat pour l’indépendance du pays.
Elle se trouve actuellement à La Réunion à l’approche du 150e anniversaire de la naissance de Gandhi.
À l’occasion des Journées Internationales de la Non-Violence, elle va participer ce soir à la Nuit de la Méditation. Cet événement démarre sur le parking de la médiathèque François Mitterrand dès 18h30.
Tara Gandhi loue La Réunion pour son vivre-ensemble et son implication dans l’environnement : "Je ne suis pas venue délivrer un message. J’écoute votre message. Le message de l’amitié, de l’amour, de la compassion mais surtout de la dignité du travail. Ici, tout le monde travaille dur et s’entraide. La société réunionnaise représente la vraie définition du développement."
Elle ajoute : "La Réunion a oublié l’amertume et les populations vivent ensemble. Des églises, des temples et les autres lieux de cultes rassemblés : C’est un exemple pour le monde entier !"
English version
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s granddaughter has landed in Reunion Island this week. She will host saturday an event at Saint-Denis and will speak for non-violence.
Tara Gandhi is staying in Reunion Island just around the 150th anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s birthday, India’s most emblematic spiritual leader and a political figure that fought for the country’s independance.
Tara Gandhi agreed to answer Antenne Réunion’s question, Reunion Island’s leading local TV Channel. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s granddaughter praises our way of life.
"First of all, I want to thank the people who invited me here to this beautiful island. I was so attracted by the idea and I wanted to find out how it is and I came.
The 2nd of October is very important in India. It’s the birth anniversary of Gandhi. Also it is the year of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Gandhi and his wife.
I’m discovering so much here. I have learned so much. I will go back feeling more enriched in life.
I haven’t come here to give a message. I am receiving a message, the message of friendship, love, compassion and above all, the dignity of labor. How everyone is hard working and helping each other. This is the society that represents the meaning of true development. Development as it should be. Getting rid of the greediness and getting over the bitterness and living together. With churches, temples and all other worship places together. I think it’s an example for the whole world. This island should be known more and more. But it should not get ruined. It has given me real hope because all of you are going in the right direction.
I wish that we give a message to the children who are the responsible citizens of tomorrow. It is a responsibility of people like me and all older citizens that we give exemples of non-violence and love to the children.
Gandhi belongs to the entire world. According to Gandhi, the greatest power in the world is the strength of a mother, which is there in man, woman and every life. We have to grow respecting every life, not just the human beings, but also the animals and the environnement. I think Réunion is setting an example.
Things don’t depend on governments, they depend on citizens. We have to show the power of the citizens today. We have to
Violence of the mind creates the pollution of the environment. There is fear everywhere, fear of others having more. Greed is a fear. The lack of trust in human being is a fear."